Are you spending a lot of time, money & energy on your marketing and networking efforts, but you aren’t finding your ideal clients?
Trying to go broad with your target market might seem like a good idea. It seems reasonable that if you cast a wider net, you’ll have a great likelihood of “catching fish”. However, the opposite often happens. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and identify your target market.
When you try to appeal to everyone, you don’t REALLY appeal to anyone specific enough for them to take action. By describing your target market in detail can you give them the useful content and recommend offers they need. You should create a target market profile that fits your list perfectly.
Remember, you always want to start this process with your FASTEST ROUTE TO INCOME in mind. Think about this product, service or program, and go deeper on who your ideal client would be. Consider the following:
Basic Demographics
Gather basic demographic information such as age, gender, location, income level, and education level. For example, if you are a real estate agent, do you specialize in a certain area, for people of a certain income level?
Problems, Pains, and Fears
This is probably the single most important bit of information you need to know about your target market. Identify areas where they have problems, pain, fear, worries, or questions. What are they missing but badly needing? This gives you tremendous insight as to what programs, products and services that address these deficits.
Where Your Market Spends Time
Where does your target market hang out both online and off? This is important to know because that’s where you’ll go to find and connect with them. This makes it easy to find them online & in-person.
Groups and Associations
What groups, organizations, and associations does your list belong to? This ties in to how they see themselves and their interests and hobbies. This also makes it easy to find them online & in-person.
Interests and Hobbies
Identify how the people in your target market spend their free time. What do they get excited about and what do they like to do? Is this something you also enjoy to do (this makes networking EASY!)
Perceptions and Opinions
How your customers see themselves and the world around them is an important thing for you to know. Identify the types of things they think are interesting, amusing, annoying, frustrating, etc. This gives you info to talk about on social networks and in-person.
Along with what they like and don’t like, identify what is important to your audience. Things they value might include family, hard work, saving money, safety and security, individual expression, standing out from the herd, etc. How does your product, service or program align with these values?
Shopping Behavior
What do your customers buy and how much money do they spend on it? This is an important thing to identify because it helps you understand what products to offer, how often, and at what prices. If you aren’t sure, check out your competitors!
Email Lists They Subscribe To
Identify what other lists your subscribers have joined. It’s also good to know what other companies they buy from. Where do they go when they need information on a particular topic? This can identify referral partners or events to attend where these companies will be.
Language Considerations
Identify the tone of your audience’s language. Do they use slang or idiomatic speech patterns, or are they more professional and formal in their language use? Do they stick to just the facts, or are they like to hear your personal stories? This helps you craft your marketing to speak directly to them.
Refine Your Ideal Client Profile
There are a number of ways to locate all this information. You can use use a survey or directly ask your clients or potential clients. Or you can use social media, online forums, and other sources to listen in on your potential list’s conversations. Research your competition and other companies in your niche. Look at key influencers in your niche or similar businesses in other markets and look at their followers.
- Research your target market and use the above information to create an Ideal Client Profile.
- Identify at least 2 different segments of your market and create a profile of an individual in each segment that’s a perfect fit to buy your fastest route to income.
However, the most important step is to get an outside perspective to help you gain clarity and guide you through all of the aspects of this deep dive. I have a process and can speed up your progress on zeroing in on your right ideal target audience(s).
TAKE ACTION: Get help to figure out your custom strategy & implement the steps.
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Hello Service-Based Entrepreneur,
I know it’s easy to get overwhelmed by reading blog posts full of ideas, tactics & tools. Be honest...
- How frustrated will you be trying to implement this on your own?
- How much time will you waste if it's not your next best step?
- Did you just take the time to read this but you won't make any changes?
- Or are you ready to take a small next step to build your brand?
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I'm here to help you with your marketing for the new normal & beyond. Let's talk about your options to work with me a FREE 30-min consultation.
To your success,

Marketing Strategist & Designer
I offer a blend of 30+ years of expertise in marketing, websites, brand identity, strategy, tech solutions, and more. I work with service-based entrepreneurs with a practical and flexible approach to adjust to changes in business & life. I offer both targeted & flexible solutions that link together like blocks to create a custom fit. We’ll focus on a series of “next steps” to build your brand over time. Let’s talk about how we can work together to start & grow your business.