You can’t do it all. You can get strategic.
This is an issue that many entrepreneurs struggled with, and then the pandemic hit. Let’s take a look and realize that if 2020 taught us anything positive, it’s that you can’t do it all. And that is OK.
I originally wrote this a few years ago—and updated it in 2024—and I think the points are even more important. Imagine if you emerged from the pandemic and beyond and gave up the idea that you have to do everything. What if you are focused on what is truly important? How much less stressful would that be? You can achieve goals if they are manageable.
Do you find that you’re constantly thinking about the list of all of the marketing things you “SHOULD BE” doing, yet feeling guilty for not doing them?
I know the voice inside your head. I hear it, too.
It reminds me that I need to write a blog post. Or send out an email blast. Or order new postcards. Or make an update on Facebook. Or write new website content. Or do that new idea. I didn’t want to admit this to anyone, because then I’d have to talk about my “failure”.
But I need to, because sometimes it’s easier to hear this message from someone else. You need to be gentle on yourself, and give up the expectation that you need to be perfect in order to be online. My husband has to remind me of this a lot, and I remind him, too. I remind my clients. This post is a mental note for all of us.
Yes, ultimately, the “best practice” is to make updates and interact online consistently. But for MOST PEOPLE, there are going to be times when that’s just not possible. Or even necessary.
If you are in the cycle of feeling guilty for not doing more, here are a few examples that have haunted me or my clients…
Your business idea isn’t ready to launch
If you have limited time, it’s often a better idea to focus on getting your business on solid ground instead of spending all day social networking (or going to in-person networking events!) It’s business networking — and if your business is in the pre-launch mode, then wait.
Don’t feel guilty about marketing you “should be doing”!
You are busy with current clients
Stop right here… pat yourself on the back and give yourself a break! When you catch your breath, you can think about a manageable plan for growth.
Don’t feel guilty about marketing you “should be doing”!
You have family priorities
I personally do not believe in the “no excuses, 24/7” approach to growing your business. What’s the purpose of having your own business if you can’t be with the ones you love? So sometimes, that means taking time offline to take care of new babies, illnesses, deaths, pets (yes, fur balls are family) or just taking time to just enjoy being with them.
Don’t feel guilty about marketing you “should be doing”!
You are sick or exhausted
You are not a super hero. You’re an Entrepreneur. (Big note to self on that one!) It’s going to happen that you just need to take a break and recover. If you are feeling really bored with resting, then jot down some notes for what you can do later. Or just REST!
Don’t feel guilty about marketing you “should be doing”!
Please, be gentle on yourself.
Too often, we make the whole process of building our online brands SO MUCH HARDER because we set meaningless deadlines while forgetting that this entire process is just PART of our lives. Things are going to come up. You can be wiser in the futures about setting S.M.A.R.T. goals — but even more important is the mindset adjustment to know that this is not a road that you need to drive at 120mph every single day.
You’ll get to where you want to go, and sometimes it’s OK to take the scenic route. Adjust your business and marketing plans around what you can handle in your life. Be strategic.
I can help you get focused on what’s most important…and help you implement your plans.
Do you beat yourself up for not doing more marketing? Let’s talk! »
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Hello Service-Based Entrepreneur,
I know it’s easy to get overwhelmed by reading blog posts full of ideas, tactics & tools. Be honest...
- How frustrated will you be trying to implement this on your own?
- How much time will you waste if it's not your next best step?
- Did you just take the time to read this but you won't make any changes?
- Or are you ready to take a small next step to build your brand?
Get clarity & your next step forward!
I'm here to help you with your marketing for the new normal & beyond. Let's talk about your options to work with me a FREE 30-min consultation.
To your success,

Marketing Strategist & Designer
I offer a blend of 30+ years of expertise in marketing, websites, brand identity, strategy, tech solutions, and more. I work with service-based entrepreneurs with a practical and flexible approach to adjust to changes in business & life. I offer both targeted & flexible solutions that link together like blocks to create a custom fit. We’ll focus on a series of “next steps” to build your brand over time. Let’s talk about how we can work together to start & grow your business.